The reports of the plenary
Ensuring Safety and Enhancement of Efficiency of Russian Nuclear Power (Pdf, 5,8Mb)
V. G. Asmolov, JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» / Russia.
About Russian Nuclear Power Industry Development Strategy till 2050. (Pdf, 1,9Mb)
V.A. Sidorenko, NRC «Kurchatov Institute» / Russia
Nuclear Fuel for NPPs: Current State and Prospects. (Pdf, 1,9Mb)
V.L. Molchanov, JSC «TVEL», jointly with JSC «VNIINM» / Russia
Recent Changes to WANO’s Programs and Structure Following Fukushima Accident. (Pdf, 0,6Mb)
L.Stricker, WANO
Arrangements for and Initial Results of Implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety Related to Operational Safety and Operating Organizations. (Pdf, 3,4Mb)
M. Lipar, IAEA
Lessons of Fukushima-Daiichi NPP's Accidents to Contribute and to Ensure the NPPs Safety in the World. (Pdf, 6,2Mb)
T. Narabayashi, Hokkaido University / Japan
Implementation of Post-Fukushima Compensatory Measures at Russian NPPs. (Pdf, 4,8Mb)
A.V. Shutikov, JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» / Russia
EDF experience feedback from Fukushima accident. (Pdf, 1,4Mb)
Michel Debes, EDF Generation and Engineering Division / France
Safety and Economics of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Industry (after the Fukushima accident) (Pdf, 2,1Mb)
D.V. Biley NNEGC «Energoatom» / Ukraine
Advanced Designs of VVER Reactor Units. (Pdf, 3,1Mb)
V.Ya.Bekovich, JSC «EDO Gidropress» / Russia
Graphite Structural Elements of RBMK Reactor Units: Studies of Properties, Evaluation of Technical State, and Prediction of Residual Life. (Pdf, 1,6Mb)
Ya.I. Shtrombakh, NRC «Kurchatov Institute» / Russia
Prospective of Closed Fuel Cycle Development and Implementation. (Pdf, 1,4Mb)
O.M. Saraev, JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» / Russia
Operating Performance of RBMK NPPs in 20102012. Challenges of RBMK Operation during a Final Operating Period. (Pdf, 2,7Mb)
A.A. Petrov, JSC RDIPE / Russia
JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» Operations in the New Market Environment. (Pdf, 2,3Mb)
A.A. Khval’ko, JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» / Russia
The Main Engineering Solutions for VBER-500, a Power Unit for Regional Power Supply. (Pdf, 0,8Mb)
V.V. Petrunin, JSC «OKBM Afrikantov», jointly with JSC «NIAEP», NRC «Kurchatov Institute», JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» / Russia
Development of Activities on Scientific & Engineering Support to Nuclear Power Units Operation. (Pdf, 2,8Mb)
S.I. Antipov, JSC «VNIIAES» / Russia
Development of New Structural Materials to Improve Efficiency and Reliability of NPP Equipment. (Pdf, 3,7Mb)
Karzov G. P., FSUE CRISM «Prometey»
Development of Means for VVER-1000 RPV Annealing. (Pdf, 4 Mb)