The best section report
1.1.1 Operation of NPPs with VVER reactors
CIM procedure modernization at an operating reactor to determine the leaky FA fuel burn-up. Vilkhivskaya O. V., SSC RF TRINITI
1.1.2. Operation of NPPs with RBMK, BN and EGP-6 reactors
RBMK-1000 graphite stack bending monitoring systems on the basis of fiber optic sensors.
Shevtsov I. A., Prolog LLC
1.1.3. Maintenance & repair and installation of NPP equipmen
Condition-based maintenance and repair of nuclear power plant. The concept.
Yanchenko Yu.A., VNIIAES JSC, Gyrinovich V. D.
1.2.1. Equipment life management and nuclear power units lifetime extension
Evaluation and management of nuclear power unit components ageing.
Potapov V. V., VNIIAES JSC
Modernization and lifetime extension of Armenian Metsamor NPP Unit 2.
Sevikyan G. A., Armenian NPP CJSC
1.2.2. Operation and upgrading of electric equipment and I&C systems.
Topic: Operation and upgrading of electric equipment
Application of informational models of a nuclear power unit in order to control the condition of electrical equipment and cable systems.
Kleimenov P. G., «Neolant» OJSC, Moscow
Topic: Operation and upgrading of I&C systems
Modern approaches to Process Control Systems cyber security.
Shipulin A. S., Kaspersky Lab OJSC, Moscow
1.2.3. Material science and metal inspections
Features of heat exchange tube metal degradation in the PGV-1000 steam generators. The use of additional criteria for decision on taking out of service heat exchange tubes based on the eddy current testing data.
Zhidov V. N., Atomenergoremont JSC
1.2.4. RW management. Nuclear power units decommissioning including preparation to decommissioning
Implementation of the radionuclide vector technology at Novovoronezh NPP.
Timofeeva E. B., VNIIAES JSC
. А., Ермолаев А. И., Балаковская АЭС
1.2.5. SNF management.
Using of In-core Instrumentation System as a tool for nuclear fuel burnup measuring.
Ryzhkov Y. А., Ermolaev А. I., Balakovo NPP
1.2.6. Fire safety
Key problems in designing the NPP fire safety system and possible solutions.
Lanin D. G., AEP (Saint Petersburg)
1.3.1. NPP radiation safety
Implementation of a Rosatom Production System project at the Kursk NPP.
Bereznitsky А. А., Kursk NPP
1.3.2. NPP ecology
Preclusion and fighting with biofouling in the process water supply systems as one of the aspects of the NPP safe operation.
Orlova М. I., JSC NPO Hydrotechproject
1.3.3. Emergency preparedness
International requirements related to population protection strategies in case of an accident at NPP.
Kutkov V. А, NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
2.1. Advanced nuclear power unit designs.
Principal design solutions and characteriscics of the VBER-600 reactor unit.
Kurachenkov А. V., JSC «Afrikantov OKBM»
2.2. Development of new nuclear power units
Experimental study of joint work of Novovoronezh-2 passive safety systems using the «RU-ZO» large-scale test facility.
Maltsev М.B, Taranov G. S., Zheltoukhov А. V., Atomenergoproekt, Moscow
Morozov А. V., Kalyakin D. S., Shlepkin А. S., Sakhipgareev А. R., Ragulin S. V., JSC SSC RF-PPI, Obninsk
Using a single service in the configuration control system for VVER-TOI based designs.
Davidenko N. N., Nodel A. L., Rosenergoatom Concern JSC Branch for Capital Ptojects Implementation (Moscow)
2.3. Commissioning of new nuclear power plants
Technical management of start-up works on valves. A modified approach for Rostov NPP Unit 3.
Muzlov D. V., Atomtekhenergo JSC
Rosenergoatom Concern JSC operation on wholesale electricity and power markets. Results and perspectives.
Khvalko А. А., Novikov А. А., Rosenergoatom Concern JSC
On the issue of HRD for nuclear infrastructure development in newcomer countries.
Artisyuk V. V., Atomenergoprom JSC
5.1. Training of young specialists for NPPs.
A psychological aspect of safety culture: Use of the theory of generations to form personnel safety culture.
Melnitskaya T. B., NSEE FVE Rosatom CICET
5.2. Use of veterans’ experience. Tutorship
Practical implementation of the safety culture concept by the operating organization as the warranty of preclusion of the events that led to Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents
Poltarakov G. I., Leningrad regional department of MOOVK
5.4. Young nuclear engineers and the safety principles
Using global best practices for safe operation at Balakovo NPP.Afanaskin D. Yu.
1.1.1 Operation of NPPs with VVER reactors
CIM procedure modernization at an operating reactor to determine the leaky FA fuel burn-up.
Vilkhivskaya O. V., SSC RF TRINITI
Vilkhivskaya O. V., SSC RF TRINITI
1.1.2. Operation of NPPs with RBMK, BN and EGP-6 reactors
RBMK-1000 graphite stack bending monitoring systems on the basis of fiber optic sensors.
Shevtsov I. A., Prolog LLC
1.1.3. Maintenance & repair and installation of NPP equipmen
Condition-based maintenance and repair of nuclear power plant. The concept.
Yanchenko Yu.A., VNIIAES JSC, Gyrinovich V. D.
1.2.1. Equipment life management and nuclear power units lifetime extension
Evaluation and management of nuclear power unit components ageing.
Potapov V. V., VNIIAES JSC
Modernization and lifetime extension of Armenian Metsamor NPP Unit 2.
Sevikyan G. A., Armenian NPP CJSC
1.2.2. Operation and upgrading of electric equipment and I&C systems.
Topic: Operation and upgrading of electric equipment
Application of informational models of a nuclear power unit in order to control the condition of electrical equipment and cable systems.
Kleimenov P. G., «Neolant» OJSC, Moscow
Topic: Operation and upgrading of I&C systems
Modern approaches to Process Control Systems cyber security.
Shipulin A. S., Kaspersky Lab OJSC, Moscow
1.2.3. Material science and metal inspections
Features of heat exchange tube metal degradation in the PGV-1000 steam generators. The use of additional criteria for decision on taking out of service heat exchange tubes based on the eddy current testing data.
Zhidov V. N., Atomenergoremont JSC
1.2.4. RW management. Nuclear power units decommissioning including preparation to decommissioning
Implementation of the radionuclide vector technology at Novovoronezh NPP.
Timofeeva E. B., VNIIAES JSC
Ermolaev А. I., Balakovo NPP
1.2.5. SNF management.
Using of In-core Instrumentation System as a tool for nuclear fuel burnup measuring.
Ryzhkov Y. А., Ermolaev А. I., Balakovo NPP
1.2.6. Fire safety
Key problems in designing the NPP fire safety system and possible solutions.
Lanin D. G., AEP (Saint Petersburg)
1.3.1. NPP radiation safety
Implementation of a Rosatom Production System project at the Kursk NPP.
Bereznitsky А. А., Kursk NPP
1.3.2. NPP ecology
Preclusion and fighting with biofouling in the process water supply systems as one of the aspects of the NPP safe operation.
Orlova М. I., JSC NPO Hydrotechproject
1.3.3. Emergency preparedness
International requirements related to population protection strategies in case of an accident at NPP.
Kutkov V. А, NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
2.1. Advanced nuclear power unit designs.
Principal design solutions and characteriscics of the VBER-600 reactor unit.
Kurachenkov А. V., JSC «Afrikantov OKBM»
2.2. Development of new nuclear power units
Experimental study of joint work of Novovoronezh-2 passive safety systems using the «RU-ZO» large-scale test facility.
Maltsev М.B, Taranov G. S., Zheltoukhov А. V., Atomenergoproekt, Moscow
Morozov А. V., Kalyakin D. S., Shlepkin А. S., Sakhipgareev А. R., Ragulin S. V., JSC SSC RF-PPI, Obninsk
Using a single service in the configuration control system for VVER-TOI based designs.
Davidenko N. N., Nodel A. L., Rosenergoatom Concern JSC Branch for Capital Ptojects Implementation (Moscow)
2.3. Commissioning of new nuclear power plants
Technical management of start-up works on valves. A modified approach for Rostov NPP Unit 3.
Muzlov D. V., Atomtekhenergo JSC
Rosenergoatom Concern JSC operation on wholesale electricity and power markets. Results and perspectives.
Khvalko А. А., Novikov А. А., Rosenergoatom Concern JSC
On the issue of HRD for nuclear infrastructure development in newcomer countries.
Artisyuk V. V., Atomenergoprom JSC
5.1. Training of young specialists for NPPs.
A psychological aspect of safety culture: Use of the theory of generations to form personnel safety culture.
Melnitskaya T. B., NSEE FVE Rosatom CICET
5.2. Use of veterans’ experience. Tutorship
Practical implementation of the safety culture concept by the operating organization as the warranty of preclusion of the events that led to Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents
Poltarakov G. I., Leningrad regional department of MOOVK
5.4. Young nuclear engineers and the safety principles
Using global best practices for safe operation at Balakovo NPP.
Afanaskin D. Yu.
Afanaskin D. Yu.